Hi there,
I am Deepak Chaudhari
(Technical Developer).

Deepak Chaudhari - Technical Developer @AB-InBev | Ex-Karabi Software & Visionet Systems | B.Tech(CSE)
I am a driven Computer Science & Engineering graduate with a B.Tech degree and having total 2.5 years of experience. I’ve excelled as a Process Analyst for 1.5 years and as a Web Developer for 1 year. My expertise spans HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Java, ReactJS, NodeJS, and KendoUI. I possess a deep understanding of REST APIs and have hands-on experience with diverse database like Mongodb and PostgreSQL.
Profesional Skills
Looking for an opportunity to work in a challenging position combining my skills, which help as personal growth.


G2H is an e-commerce platform. We designed and developed a clean and modern page. More..

i-FPO is an integration software which is integrated over 2k+ FPO's across India's 29 States. More..

NABARD has been associated with tribal development and sustainable livelihoods through funds. More..

NabFPO provide financial and/or technical support to the Producer Organisation Promoting Institution (POPI) for promotion. More..

We used SharePoint site for analytics data, counting user visits, new users, and clicks within specified periods. More..

Established diverse course categories and seamlessly implemented a bookmarks feature. More..
Advanced Level Interview Key Points for MERN Full Stack Developers
In the field of web development, MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) has gained significant popularity for building robust and scalable applications. As a MERN Full Stack Developer, it is essential to have a deep understanding of various key points to excel in interviews and meet the industry's demands. This article presents advanced-level interview key points for MERN Full Stack Developers, covering topics such as HTML5, CSS media queries, JavaScript quirks and versatility, React.js interview questions, Node.js interview questions, Mongoose for connecting MongoDB, and creating RESTful APIs using Express.js. Read More..